While you are looking for web hosting reviews in 2011, it is too early to determine which company is going to finish strongly in the end. However, if any competition is held presently, the following companies will come up as the best ones.
1. HostUpon: It is one of the best and inexpensive web hosting service providers, which is currently operating in the web hosting industry. Per month, user has to pay just $7.95 and even after that users will be getting an additional 25 percent discount if they have special coupon codes with them. With this particular plan, they can host unlimited numbers of websites and the service quality is simply outstanding.
2. Yahoo! Small Biz: This plan offers limitless webpage storage and email as well as some customizable templates for your business web portal if you want to keep it running while you are in a hurry. The package is available for only $7.46 per month. It is highly reasonable for such businesses that have limited funds with them.
3. Site Cloud: This is another package which is offering unlimited hosting and storage with unmatched bandwidth capacity and complete social media integration. It is available for just $5.95 monthly.
4. Green Geeks: You are offering with outstanding service and power if you opt for this particular web-hosting plan. It is available with a great infrastructure for only $4.95 per month. It is an unlimited web-hosting plan which turns out to be the cheapest in the entire industry.
5. Easy CGI: Easy CGI plan is offering infinite mail storage capacity; however, the bandwidth is available with a certain formidable limit of 3500GB but it is extremely effective with the disk space of 350GB. The plan is accessible for only $7.95 per month and it is rated to be one of the most versatile plans available until now.
6. Just Host: It offers an extremely effective, powerful, and robust service with which most of the web-hosting providers find hard to compete. It is available for only $3.95 per month for the first three years of service.
7. IX Web Hosting: The plan has been delivering superior quality customer service from past too many years. If you are considering being locked with a two or three year plan then you will be offered with a highly reasonable rate which is $3.95 per month. You certainly will never be able to get anything better than this one.
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